Produkte & Kreislaufwirtschaft
Bremen soll Bio-Stadt werden. BILD-Interview mit Senator Joachim Lohse. – BILD Bremen 26.08.2015 mehr…
„Green IT – the route towards sustainability.” – Invited statement at Cisco Expo 2007, Berlin (Mai 2007)
“Never change a running process? – Key factors for substitution decisions in complex products and production processes”. – Presentation at “Electronics Goes Green 2004+” International Congress on Electronics and the Environment, Berlin (Sept. 2004)
Umweltfreundliche öffentliche Beschaffung unter Berücksichtigung des laufenden EG-Rechtssetzungsprozesses zum Vergabewesen. – Commissioned by: Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), F+E Vorhaben Nr. 201 18 313 (2003)
DBU-Expertenworkshop „Nachhaltige Ausrüstung von Outdoor-Textilien“. – Universität Bremen (14.03.2018)
Stoffe in Produkten der Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie – Compliance im globalen Umfeld. – Podiumsdiskussion beim ZVEI-Kongress, Frankfurt (Sept. 2006)
Braucht Substitution mehr Staat oder mehr Markt? – Vorschläge zur optimalen Förderung von Substitution im besonderen Hinblick auf REACH. – L. Lißner & J. Lohse in: UWSF – Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 18 (3) 5A, 6A, 193-200 (2006) mehr…
Never Change a Running Process? – Substitution of Hazardous Substances in Products and Processes: Definition, Key Drivers and Barriers. – Greener Management International 41, 57-76, 2003.
Substitution of Hazardous Chemicals in Products and Processes. – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment, Brüssel (2001-2003).
Distribution of organochlorine pollutants in North Sea sediments. – J. Wat. Sci. Tech. 24 (10), 107-113, 1991.
„Einstufung von HBCD-haltigen Dämm-Materialien als gefährlicher Abfall.“ – 952. Sitzung des Deutschen Bundesrats, TOP 73 (Dez. 2016) mehr…
Fachtagung „Perspektiven der Klärschlammverwertung“. – Altes Pumpwerk der Hansewasser, Bremen (04.09.2018)
Bau- und Umweltsenator Joachim Lohse zum geplanten Abfallzwischenlager in Hemelingen. – WK Stadtteilkurier 03.12.2015 mehr…
Towards Legal Recognition of Co-Processing in the European Union. Project Report to Holcim AG by Joachim Lohse & Ulrich Wollenteit (42 pp.). – Commissioned by Holcim AG, Switzerland (2009-10)
Assistance in the implementation and operation of the Environmental Data Centre for Waste. – Commissioned by Eurostat, Luxemburg (2008-09)
The WEEE Directive maximises waste prevention – and this is why we deserve RoHS! – Invited statement in the “Provoquium” at Electronics Goes Green 2008+, Berlin (Sept. 2008)
Co-Processing in the Cement Industry, EPE European Partners for the Environment, Brussels (May 2008)
Optimized Co-Processing of Waste in Cement Kilns – A Life Cycle Assessment for Strategic Decision Making. – Commissioned by Holcim, Switzerland (2008)
Towards Sustainable Mining and Recycling – Improving our control of global metal streams. OECD / UNEP Conference on Resource Efficiency, Paris (April 2008)
Adaptation to scientific and technical progress of Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC. – Lohse, J.; Zangl, S.; Groß, R.; Gensch, C.-O.; in cooperation with: Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM), Berlin. Commissioned by: EU Commission, DG Environment (2008)
Implementation of Environmental Data Centres on Natural Resources, Products and Wastes. – Commissioned by Eurostat, Luxemburg (2007)
Adaptation to scientific and technical progress under Directive 2002/95/EC on restrictions of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment (2005-2006)
When do wastes cease to be waste? – A Nordic study through interviews in four countries giving a review of stakeholder opinions. – Commissioned by: The Nordic Council of Ministers (2004-2005)
Implementing Directive 2000/53/EC in Lithuania. – Commissioned by: German Ministry of Environment, Berlin (2002-2003)
Developing harmonised rules for implementation of the end-of-life vehicles directive in EU Member States (Detailed Rules on compliance with Directive 2000/53/EC). – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment, Brussels (2002)
Evaluation of cross media aspects in industrial processes – Phase II: Practical test. – Commissioned by: Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) (2001-2003)
Consequences of the heavy metal bans under the EU directives on ELV and WEEE on raw material supply of potential substitutes. – Commissioned by: Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), main contract with Federal Burau of Mines (BGR), Hannover (2001-2003)
Heavy metals in vehicles [2]. – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment, Brüssel (2001)
Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzungen einer verbesserten Staub- und NOx-Emissionsminderung am Beispiel der europäischen Zementindustrie. – Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft 7/8, 337-342, 2001 mehr…
Heavy metals in vehicles. – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment, Brüssel (2000)
Monitoring requirements with respect to collection and recycling of long-lived complex technical products like cars and electrical appliances (UBA-Texte 35/99). – Commissioned by: Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), Berlin (1997-1999)
Collection targets for waste from electrical and electronic equipment. – Commissioned by: EU Commission DG Environment, Brussels (1998)
Zweierlei Maß. Für die industrielle Abfallverwertung gelten nach wie vor doppelte Standards. – Müllmagazin 2/1996, 63-65.
Gefährlicher Kreislauf. Der Schadstoffeintrag in Zementwerke muss verringert werden. – Müllmagazin 1/1994, 66-70.
Ocean incineration of toxic wastes: a footprint in North Sea sediments. – Mar. Poll. Bull. 19(8): 366-371, 1988 mehr…